No one ever wants the middle seat when they fly! The only reason you would book a middle seat is in the vain hope you’ll be left with the whole …
Top 10 Coffee Shop Spots!
When it was suggested to me that I should write a weekly blog my fear was thinking up enough content. I am fifty two years old with one heck of …
And What Does That Entail?
It’s that time. A time when even the most experienced of travellers get nervous and those that rarely fly have no real idea of the importance of the next few …
Empty Car Park
Our night is planned we are spending it with Michael Palin. I’d love to tell you it is just Lyn, Micheal and myself enjoying a meal at the German Gymnasium, …
It’s Classic Adams
An Introduction I travel. A lot. It’s not everything I do a lot either. You can certainly add read to the list. Listen to music too and I watch rugby …