No Excuses!

I didn’t get around to posting a blog last Thursday and there is a really good excuse for that.  I hadn’t written one and there is no excuse for that.

Writing has never been a routine for me. There’s no habit in it. I sit and write when I fancy doing so and for that reason I can safely tell you that I love it. I am always happiest when I find myself behind the keyboard typing away keeping at it in the vain hope that my Dad was correct and if you keep typing the funny will show up.

Although, these blogs don’t have to be funny. That’s not my aim. They are an expression of self and insight into my world.

As it turns out, I did have an excuse last week: I was home and while on dry land all that spare time I have on my hands when I am away ‘working’ evaporates.

I enjoyed a week of dinners with friends, a stellar stand up show where I was mercilessly picked on by a certain Pub Landlord, a weekend with my kids, visits to bookshops, planning our trips for 2025 and backgammon games galore: Lyn is currently trouncing me in our UK leg of a worldwide backgammon tournament that has lasted more or less our entire relationship. I taught her everything she knows about backgammon so technically it’s me who is winning.

My time at home is short and precious. But you will be delighted to read that I am back on board and about to make yet another crossing (Yep. It will be my third trip across the pond in four and a half weeks!) so have plenty of time to read, drink coffee, listen to albums and I’ll replace the exploring with writing. I will make writing a new habit.  

Next week there will be no excuses!

Comments 1

  1. To paraphrase a very old gag:

    “So, what is Paul’s blog about, then?”

    “It’s about 300 words”.

    Always a joy, though. ☺️

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