It’s Wednesday and I am in Brighton with Lyn and my kids and have rented a small farm cottage for their half term holiday. It’s better than a hotel for me, for them too as we all get our own room. I say ‘all’, I really mean the kids get their own rooms. Not me though, I am fifty two and I still have to share.
This morning, while the kids made breakfast and I delivered coffee in bed to Lyn, I realised that I have to post a blog to the Classic Adams site tomorrow. I started to wander through the pages of my pad which plays home to the many, many ideas I’ve jotted down for this blog all sitting there wondering when their turn will come to be written up and enjoyed by the masses. (Dozens? Hoards? You?)
Then it hit me, the last week has been ‘Classic Adams’. So I thought I would just write about those days because they include just about everything I love.
My Dad always always told me his four loves were family, music, books and comedy. I am sure the order of preference changed depending on the book, the show, the band or the kid but the four were always his priority.
In the book I am writing about the relationship I had with my father these four provide the biggest insight to both of us. The four Dad talked about are my top four too. To be fair you could probably make it five and add travel to my list. Six – lets not forget rugby!
So let’s get back on point and tell you about my last week.
Coffee, damn it! Make it seven.
I was on the Caribbean Princess for a few days and this time Lyn was with me for a quick jaunt around some of Norway’s cruise ports. Just one problem, when we boarded we noticed Olso was the only Norwegian port and on the day we disembarked. So we booked an extra night there and instead thoroughly enjoyed the quaint town of Bruges and loved the feel and architecture of Rotterdam.
My Old Man, a song by The Zac Brown Band, has just started playing on my travel speaker. I stop typing for a second and gaze out of the window at the farm land surrounding me. That bloody tear appears as I think about about how much like my Dad I am and at the same time how I wish I could be even more like him.
Shaking my head with a wry smile on my face, I realise I have been easily distracted from writing. Another trait I stole from Dad.
Norway, had I reached Norway?
After a lengthy immigration we left the ship, rushed in and out of our hotel and headed towards the Nobel Prize Museum. Our day was planned although nothing is ever set in stone. We always meander and if it’s meant to be seen it’ll be seen. We marvelled at the stunning glacier looking Opera House, strolled the floors of the Munch Art Gallery in awe, enjoyed coffee, beer, backgammon and pizza at a funky waterside eatery called Salt but most of all we were completely stunned. Norway is beautiful: the people, the streets, the sights, the feel. We had thirty six hours there but needed more so we decide a return will be neccesary.
Lyn and I always carry our travel backgammon set and when we stop for refreshment it’s unwrapped and a game or two are played. Lyn’s pace ensures I have time to either people watch, read a few paragraphs of my book or scroll FB on my phone. Sometimes I can do all three.
While I was scrolling I spotted a post on Facebook that told me about the upcoming Investec Champions Cup Final that Saturday. A couple of taps later I’d secured two great seats for the big event and less than eighteen hours after returning from Oslo we were walking towards Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.
Sunday is the day of rest right? Nope. Instead we headed back into the City, to the Irish Cultural Centre for the London premier of our friend Andy’s short movie ‘The Last Dance of the Cuckoos’. Directed beautifully by Matt Holt, we both loved the story created by these two pals about Laurel and Hardy and specifically Laurel’s bowler hat’s return to Cobh. Andy’s enthusiasm and incredible photography make it a charming piece and we both pray it will receive the attention it deserves.
Monday morning we picked up my kids for the journey south to Brighton. Five days with them is never enough but renting an AirBnB means we are together and, perhaps more importantly, I get to be a Dad: to clean up after them, to cook for all of us and to sort days out.
Lucy is always in control of the music on family trips, occasionally allowing Thomas and me the odd random track. Lyn joins us now and her selections often result in some interesting facials and comments from the kids. All of us, in fact, when we hear Flowers by Miles Cyrus. Again.
Thomas picked Eminem, Travis Scott, Kanye as well as Royal Blood. His last choice especially pleased me as I introduced him to Royal Blood and I love that. My Dad introduced me to lots of new music including Springsteen and funnily enough my pick was Tenth Avenue Freeze Out by The Boss. And not the three minute album version. No, I chose the live version which is fifteen minutes long.
We shopped on the Tuesday around the famous Laines of Brighton. Today, Wednesday, after I finishing writing draft one of this we will head to the pier and the rides that Lucy is desperate to enjoy and Thomas (and Lyn) are keen to avoid. Alas I have no choice. Lucy will need accompanying and I’m her Dad so like it or not I will be ‘enjoying’ the rollercoasters. Then it’ll be back to the farm and a day of games, movies, conversation and chilling on the Thursday before we drive to Nan’s for a Chinese with my sister and her kids to celebrate Lucy’s 14th birthday. 14. FOURTEEN. My boy is sixteen in a few weeks. I never wanted old kids!
On Monday I fly to Dubrovnik to join another ship. I can’t remember which cruise line but that isn’t important. Right now what is important is that the kids are dressed and it is me holding them up writing this so I will put the iPad away until everyone is asleep at the end of what I know will be another fun day.
Now I am off to be a Dad.

Comments 2
Another good read mate
Thanks Kev, looks like a fab trip you’re on.
Thanks for taking the time to read it.